Friday, December 4, 2009

Protection Still Possible Even without Uninsured and Underinsured Coverage

For certain states in the US, such as New York, getting concerned about uninsured drivers remains to be an option. New York and other states that still rules for uninsured and underinsured driver coverage to be optional, there are still ways to get protected from inadequately protected motorists.

According a recent research conducted by the Insurance Information Institute, out of every seven motorists in the United States does not have enough protection from auto insurance; and even though it’s only 1 out of 7, those with inadequately protection can greatly cause repercussions for insured motorists.

Reports say that Insurance companies claim that most of their policyholders do not bother to think much about the underinsured or uninsured motorist coverage portion part when they check their auto insurance policy; they only bother to do so when the time comes when there is an actual victim. According to Insurance Information Institute consumer spokesperson and senior vice president Jeanne M. Salvatore, drivers only care about underinsured or uninsured motorist coverage when they themselves are the victims or they run into someone who unfortunately has very little insurance coverage or no car insurance at all.

Unknown to a number of motorists, the coverage for uninsured motorists can compensate the insured driver, a member of his family, or a selected motorist for bodily damages that can come as a result of an uninsured motorist or a hit-and-run driver. On the other hand, the coverage for underinsured motorists comes to the rescue when the driver who caused the accident has not enough insurance coverage to pay you for overall loss. Underinsured motorist coverage also protects drivers in the unfortunate even that they are hit by a vehicle as a pedestrian.

The Insurance Research Council study conducted during the first quarter of 2009 shows that approximately 14% of all motorists in the US are uninsured, with considerable variations among each state. Mississippi (28%), New Mexico (29%), and Alabama (24%) are Included in the list of states with the highest percentage of uninsured motorists. Meanwhile, among the stats that has the smallest number of uninsured drivers are Massachusetts (1%), New York and North Dakota (both 1%), and Maine (4%).

For motorists who do not want to purchase uninsured and underinsured driver coverage, there are other means to receive protection. For states that follow the No-fault insurance laws (all in all there are 12 states and Puerto Rico that follow the no-fault system) victims can get benefits from their own insurance providers regardless if the other party has insurance coverage.


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